The Buzz – Reviews of our BBQ Sauce
Over the years, Everett & Jones Barbeque sauce has continued to win critical acclaim from food critics, celebrities and regular folks. Here is a sample of what people are saying.

"To Everett & Jones B.B.Q., Best Wishes to the greatest food anywhere."
John Madden
"To E&J's, Your Super "Q" is Wicked"
Pete (Pete's Wicked Ale)
"E&J's barbecue remains the pride of the East Bay… But even a tofu cutlet would taste good swimming in E&J's famous secret sauce, an irresistible blend of smoky tomato, tangy vinegar, and cayenne-laced complexity."
Peggy Nauts
San Francisco Magazine - 2000
"The sauce is very sweet, almost fruity and very smoky, with a persistent perspiration factor that builds with every bite."
Vince Staton and Greg Johnson
100 Best Barbeque Places in America - 1992
"…mother's sauce, the fruity, red-peppery liquor that drowns each serving of oak-fired chicken . . . has been the key to their success for 16 years. I've been enjoying Everett & Jones for years. This funky, heavenly smelling joint serves up some of the most authentic food around. Popular with lots of different kinds of people, it has to rank as one of the best barbecue places in the Bay Area."
Sylvia Rubin
San Francisco Chronicle – 1989
"The atmosphere isn't the only thing that's REAL here, as you'll learn the minute you bite into one of Everett & Jones hot, hot, hot links . . . especially, if you ask for the fiercest of the three temperatures . . . your taste buds have been knocked senseless."
Sharon Silva and Frank Viviano
The Thrifty Gourmet - 1992
"Radio Station KDIA selected Everett & Jones as the People's Choice for their barbeque and sauce."
Turtle Soup Magazine - 1984
"Congratulations! Your are the best. We traveled 40,000 miles and ate at more than 700 barbecue restaurants during 1987 and we think you do barbecue right. That's why we are including Everett & Jones in our list of 100 Best Barbeque Places in America."
Vince Staten and Greg Johnson
100 Best Barbecue Places in America - 1987
"Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow night will be several cuts above the usual fare; beaucaens to all 100 pounds of sausage from Everett & Jones."
Herb Caen, San Francisco Chronicle - 1986